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# Why drink Alkaline Water?

# Why drink Alkaline Water?

Improve your health, supercharge your immune system and fight the aging process with antioxidant-rich alkaline water. Toxins are the number one cause of aging. They are often a result of poor diet, pollution and stress. Toxins can build up in your body causing cell damage that leads to premature aging. The best way to fight toxins and detoxify your body is with antioxidants. And its as easy as drinking antioxidant-rich alkaline water.

No. 1: Detoxify
Detoxify your body to remove normal acidic waste products accumulated daily, plus remove toxins accumulated in your body from your environment, prescription drugs, un-natural foods and from the "normal" process of aging.
Acid wastes collected in the body can lead to more serious health conditions. Drinking alkaline water daily can neutralize the acidity and wash acid waste products from cells and tissues.

No. 2: Hydrate 
Hydrate your body; This is basic to maintain or regain optimum health. During ionization your alkaline water filter, forms your water into micro clusters that are more easily absorbed at the cellular levels thus "Super Hydrating" your body.

No. 3: Antioxidants
Alkaline water acts as an antioxidant, scavenging for and neutralizing harmful free radicals. Because alkaline water has the ability to give up electrons, it can effectively neutralize and block free-radical damage to the body. Ionized alkaline water seeks out free radicals and converts them into oxygen which your body can use for energy productions and tissue oxygenation. Cancer and most other illnesses can not survive in an oxygenated alkaline environment.

No. 4: Alkaline Your body's pH 
Alkaline water helps balance the body's pH, which tends to be acidic because of our high acid food diet, stress and exposure to environment toxins such as smog. Alkaline your body pH from acidic to alkaline pH, because cancer and many other illnesses can not live in alkaline environments. Alkaline is the "normal" state of healthy persons.

No.5: Enhance Your Immune System 
Enhance your immune system to maximize your body's ability to fight off disease and heal itself.


***Meningkatkan kesihatan anda, meningkatkan sistem imun anda, dan kaya dengan antioksidan dan air alkali membantu melawan penuaan.

  1. Detox : darah manusia boleh meneutralkan keasidan , menyelesaikan bahan buangan berasid daripada sel-sel tubuh dan tisu
  2. Pelembap * Kualiti air menjadi kumpulan yang lebih kecil, lebih mudah diserap oleh sel-sel manusia , badan menjadi pelembab super.
  3. (Antioksidan ) *Sebagai antioksidan, membuang dan meneutralkan radikal bebas yang berbahaya.
  4. ( Alkali pH badan ) * baki bantuan pH badan, kerana makan terlalu banyak daging menyebabkan badan keasidan darah.
  5. (Sistem imun ) * menguatkan sistem imun, meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh terhadap penyakit dan keupayaan penyembuhan diri.


1. (排毒: 可以中和人体血液酸性度,从身体细胞和组织中排解酸性废物质。)

2. (保湿) *水质量变得更微小群,更容易被人体细胞吸收,身体变得超保湿。

3. (抗氧化) *作为一种抗氧化剂,清除并且中和有害自由基。

4. (碱化身体的pH)*帮助平衡体内的pH值,因为进食过量的肉类导致身体血液酸性。

5. (增强免疫系统)*强化免疫系统,提高身体的抵抗疾病和自愈能力。

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